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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Painting My World: Adventure #2

My love for murals began 4-5 years back, when I repainted my bedroom. I wasn't like most boys my age... I didn't opt for a conservative (and tragically boring) egg-shell, nor did I go with any old shade of red, blue, or green. Grey and black? Too harsh, too über-masculine, not me. It was Summer, and with nothing much for the kids to do, my mom thought it'd be a great time to repaint our home's bedrooms. Naturally, she asked what color I wanted to paint my room. Well, I knew what I wanted, but I didn't want to overwhelm my mom with the great, spectacular vision I had of a pirate's tavern; water stains, wine splashes, dirt, and all other "pirate-matter" gushing down my walls... So I broke it down to its simplest form: Tan.

Tan? My mom has always had a brilliant eye for color, and I could tell that "tan" wasn't sitting well with her, and that she wasn't expecting such a suggestion to come from me. But tan it was to be, despite my discontent and despite my mother's hesitation. The time came to buy paint, and just to make sure, my mom asked me, "what do you really want your room to look like?" Gotta love that mother's instinct. I began gushing about my vision. I showed her pictures I had drawn, reference photos, I described to her in great detail everything I wanted my room to look like. My mom smiled, gave my idea the thumbs-up, and forward we went with this new plan. (Looking back, I'm really not surprised that my mom accepted my wild idea, simply because she's such an amazing mom.)

For the next few weeks, my mom and I scoured numerous faux-painting books at Barnes & Noble, looked up painting techniques online, my mom even had a painting expert come to give us some advice. I remember the expert being so bewildered by our idea, but she pointed us in the right direction and provided us with all of the tips and info we needed. So armed with brushes, thinner, and sponges (the necessary tools to realize my dream) we began marauding my poor room. We slaughtered that room until it evolved into a dank, dark, damp, dim pirate's lair. Exactly what I had wanted. Add a large iron lantern, attach it to a dimmer, and my room was complete. (Cue flickering candle effect.)

Or was it? I now realized that the walls of my room weren't just walls; they were great canvases that I could just smother with whatever creation I wanted to! Why should I be content with just painting on paper when I had endless expanses of wall at my disposal?! Which brings me to Adventure #2...

It's gotta be big, it's gotta be detailed, and it's gotta be amazing.

The subject of my mural? Well, you're just going to have to keep checking in to find out! ... If any of you are checking in at all. Hello? Anyone reading me? ...Anyone?