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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Let's Have A Look Back...

Wow, do my toes hurt. I really wasn't expecting them to be this bad, but when I woke up (after a difficult night of wanting to toss-and-turn but having to keep my body flat) my toes felt on the verge of bursting! For all I know, they could have. Man, I sure wish I could have gone running today. It would help with the guilt I'm feeling now from eating the delicious "get-well-soon"snacks provided by my wonderful amigos (You know who you are, and GRACIAS!) But these things take time, and I don't want to rush recovery. I want this problem fixed and I want it fixed right! In the meantime, I'll somehow find a way to manage with my beautiful new... sandals. Oh, didn't you hear? Black-and-blocky shoes are totally in season now.

Oh, I'll get back to posting about my "adventurous" life soon, but I just wanted to take a moment to look back on some things.

So I just got back from a friends house, and the subject of being heavy when we were younger briefly came up (I told you I'd post about it! Haha!) Well, to be honest, I've never been huge. I've never had a horrible weight-problem, I've never been obese. But I don't want to be too lenient with myself; Many years back (in Junior High) I was struggling. Though I never weighed myself in those years (self-esteem issues can be a royal-pain in the rear) I'm willing to bet that at my heaviest, I was anywhere from 180-200. (I'm totally just spit-balling here) I hadn't even grown to my current height yet! Well, couple being a few pounds overweight with the emotions of being a teenager, and naturally you'll end up with a pretty poor feeling of self-worth.

But I do have to give 14/15 year-old Hayden credit... He recognized a problem before it got out of hand, and he promised himself he'd work on it and fix it. And though these past years have brought a fair share of trials and tribulations, things have all worked out. I'm now sitting at 164 pounds, my body-fat percentage is that of an "athlete" (still can't tell you how truly happy that makes me) I run and I run hard,  and I am really proud of what I have done and how far I have come. True, you can always improve and keep going, but I just wanted to take this moment to pat myself on the back. (hopefully you can take the opportunity to do that yourself today! Even if it's not in regards to weight-loss, give yourself a well-deserved compliment. AND DO IT NOW.)

I make it sound like my happiness is solely dependent on my weight... Please, don't let yourself think that. There are several other factors that have helped evolve my happiness that I sure hope to cover throughout the course of this blog. A loving family, a spiritual journey, a great friend, a man and his mouse... All of these things have played such a positive role in my life. They make me want to make each day worth remembering. They make each day an adventure. Speaking of which, I can't wait to show you all what I have been working on! Until tomorrow (actually later today, shame on me for staying up so late) keep your goggles clean and your compass steady... Make today an adventure!

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