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Monday, March 21, 2011

Why Not You?

First, an apology to you all. I'm sorry, I wish I could be more on top of this blog, but this past week had this adventurer more occupied than he prefers. But I shall try my best to keep up with it. After all, I only have a short time until I embark for my next grand adventure, one that'll last 2 years and keep me away from bloggin'! More on that later.

Today's post is a small one, but hopefully it'll dig into your head and plant an idea, which I hope you'll nurture with further thought.

Why not you?

I'm a big-fan of NBC's Biggest Loser, and a bigger fan of one of its staples: Jillian Michaels. She's a powerhouse to say the least. Anyways, I'm a "fan" of her on Facebook (do we still use that term? Fan? I should say I "like" her on Facebook... This explorer can't keep with these changin' times!) and she updates her profile fairly often. Usually its about nutrition, exercise, facts about food, jazz like that. But about a month ago she posted something a bit out of the norm... Here's the exact post:

Today I want you to ask yourself this one question - "Why not you?" Why not you to do something for work that you love? Why not you to have a healthy body? Why not you to have healthy love? Why not you to be, have, or do anything you have ever dreamed?! We are so quick to think others are deserving over ourselves. The truth is that we are all deserving so WHY NOT YOU?!

Is it poetic? Certainly not. But that's OK. It's message rings clear to me. I have always been one of great ambition and drive, with large hopes and dreams, but every now and then I find myself in a lull, and those dreams just don't seem attainable. They seem beyond me. Despite everything I believe in, despite any inner-strength I may have, I cave in to these sorrowful thoughts, and I'm sure many of you do too. I'll leave that dream to someone more talented, to someone who isn't me. 

Should these thoughts come into your head, smack 'em right out. These are moments of weakness, not of truth or realization. Why should you not be as deserving? Though I may lack in talent compared to the "prodigies" of this world, I feel an ambition within me that not one of those talent-hogs can ever take away from me.

So look at yourself, look at your goals. Really give thought to those dreams. Other people have succeeded. Other people have earned their dream job. Other people have found their love. Other people have lost the weight. Other people have achieved the impossible. Why not you?

Keep your goggles clean and your compass steady... make today an adventure!

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