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Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Illustrating Man

Hello fellow explorers! I come to you today with exciting news: I have began illustrating a children's book! A dear friend of mine, Craig Barton (remember that name, it'll be on bookshelves EVERYWHERE when this bad-boy is done!) wrote a small book some time ago, and asked me last year if I was interested in illustrating for him. After reading it, I had to be a part of this project. And now my life is free enough that I can start working on these illustrations!

The story is a simple one, but man-oh-man, does it tug at your heart strings. I just finished reading it again (for the upteenth-time) and it still makes me misty-eyed; no doubt it will do the same for you. It has a great heart to it, and I'm honored Craig chose me to illustrate it. I won't say too much about the book, I wouldn't want to spoil it for you all! But stay tuned, explorers! I'll be sure to keep you posted on this project's progress. (Whoa, lot of P's there.) If all goes according to plan, I should have the illustrations done by the end of March, or within the first week of April.

ADVENTURE #3: Illustrate a Book

Don't think I'm ending this post just yet! NO SIR! I figured I'd take this time to update you on my half-marathon training progress. It is going great. Splendid, even! I may go so far as to say it is simply supercalifragilisticexpealidocious. Today I ran for 5 miles, though I felt like... like...

♪ ♫ I could have ran all day, and still have begged for more! ♪ ♫

...Well, maybe not that long. But the training is going well, and it's incredible to see how it affects every other facet in my life.: I sleep better, I'm more awake, my emotions are more controlled, I find that I am happier more than usual, I feel great in my own skin... Bah-bah-bah-bah-bah, I'm lovin' it! Next week's runs range anywhere from 2 miles to 4 miles, and I'll end the week with a 6-miler. Progress is happening, folks!

Keep your goggles clean and your compass steady... Make today an adventure.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome!! I'm totally going to buy this book!


    "And from that day fo'ward, whenever I went anywhere, I was RUNNANG!!!"
